


Teachers are not omnipotent, but no teachers can do nothing* Happy Teachers' day*


Learning is never tiring, teaching tireless, sweet and fragrant, and happy* Wish you a happy holiday!


May the joyous song linger around you* May joy last forever* I wish you a happy holiday!


Whether I become a tall poplar, or low grass, teacher, I will greet you with the green of life*


On this special day, teachers happy holidays! I wish to be healthier and happier in the future*


Thousands of words can not tell which month of the year it is*


When I first entered the classroom, when I called you a teacher, it meant that I was your student all my life*


White chalk ends, falling in waves* It dyes your white hair, but makes your youthful green more colorful*


On this special day, please allow me to send my sincerest wishes to your teacher, happy holidays!


The highest level of respect for students is to forget that they are teachers* It is natural to explore life and science with them*


Today, all teachers will smile from their hearts* Be proud of yourself, because you are a teacher!


I wish you a happy Teacher's day and a bright young smile*


We like you, teacher, you not only have profound knowledge, but also have a heart that communicates with us*


You are ordinary, you are special, only ordinary and special accompany with you! Ordinary + special = happiness, happiness!


Why do you want your life? Have pupils everywhere* The message is transmitted to me* Why do you want your life? Have pupils everywhere*


Teacher, I will always remember your teachings, that is, you have made me understand the truth of being a man*


Teacher, you light my heart with your heart, cultivate my love with love, with you, I can feel the warmth of the world***


When I was a child, I knew you were the most beautiful scenery in the world; when I grew up, I knew I would be like you!


Teachers and students are enduring, and it is difficult to add, subtract and divide* Happy Teachers' Day!


On the journey of life, you kindle the light of hope for me, enrich my mind and add my wisdom* Thank you! Teacher*


Yearning, I miss my thoughts to you in the distance* The teacher who gave me sunshine, rain and dew and spring breeze*


Take pains to feed the naughty boy, and his face is white*


The teacher's influence and education for me will never be forgotten* Thank you, dear teacher*


A short message, there are so many concerns, just because it carries a strong blessing: dear teacher, you are hard!


You are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend* Thank you for everything you have done*


I want to look at you again, I want to listen to your lecture again, thank you sincerely, with all my sincerity*


A short message, there are so many concerns, only because it carries a strong blessing: dear teacher, you are hard*


May warmth, joy and happiness*** Like a fragrant flower blooms in your joyful time, our favorite teacher*


Endless kindness will always be remembered* Every growing day, I would like to bless you, my teacher*


We grow from trees to trees, but we are always your students* In your first year of life, I wish you the everlasting tree of life*




Today, when the first ray of summer light sprinkled into your window, that is the students to your affectionate blessing: Teacher, happy holidays!


Beloved teacher, your teachings are like spring breeze, like Rui Yu, Yongming my heart* I sincerely bless you: good health, good will!


Teacher, you are great, like a candle illuminating others, burning yourself* I wish you a happy holiday and take care of your health*


Thank you, teacher* Teacher, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday! May you always be young and happy!


This day, is your pride; Peach and plum all over the world is your pride; Pure teacher-student relationship is your greatest wealth*


Teacher, I like your white hair* I like you to laugh at us more* Teacher, we are always grateful to you!


You are the engineer of the soul! We respect you forever and love you! I wish you every success and a good mood every day!


You have lighted my way with the torch of life* I want to say to you from the bottom of my heart: Thank you, teacher*


The mountains are cheering, the water is singing; the sun is laughing, the grass is dancing: praise you, be a model, hard work and high achievements!


Mentor Yongming Ji, Shi en long hard to abandon* I wish the world teacher happy and happy! Happy holidays! Happiness forever!


You are the engineer of the soul! We respect you forever and love you! I wish you every success and a good mood every day*


Dear gardener: Hello? You have made great achievements with your hard work* Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


Every corner of my heart, every inch of my heart, is full of deep respect for you* Thank you, dear teacher!


You are a magical beach, and let me pick up the beautiful shells in the world* Happy Teachers' Day!


A short message, there are so many concerns, just because it carries a strong blessing: dear teacher, you are hard


When I was young, I always thought you were too strict* Now I know that this is the expression of your love* Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!


Teachers are kindling, igniting the fire of the students'soul; teachers are stone class, bearing the students step by step to climb steadily up*


Teacher, I will take you as a navigational light on my way to work* On the occasion of our common holiday, I wish you BBK!

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