

1、敌人虽众,一击皆斩!Many foes, one strike!

2、你们的技术太烂了!Your skills are inferior!

3、真快啊!So fast!

4、我们,开始吧!Let us,begin!

5、关注内心。Look inward*

6、形势,先于蛮力。Form before strength*

7、这将会是一个惨痛的教训。This will be***A harsh lesson*

8、一击千斩!One cut,of many*

9、眼镜嘛,只是为了看书。he goggles? Just for reading!

10、不要被骄傲,遮蔽了双眼。Do not let your pride blind you*

11、剑刃与肉身。Blade and Body*

12、意志与肉身。Will and body*

13、我的剑就是你的剑!My blade is yours!

14、真正的大师永远都怀着一颗学徒的心。A true master is an eternal student*

15、别再耍猴戏了!Quit monkeying around!

16、跟上!Keep up!

17、好好看,好好学。Watch, and learn*

18、愤怒,带来冲动。Anger gives motivation without purpose*

19、通向不朽的关键,不死就行了!Tothe key to immortality?Not dying!

20、捍卫你自己。Defend yourself*

21、猴子,让我看看你学了哪些本事。Pupil, show me what you have learned*

22、大师手笔!A master stroke!

23、我将为你指路。I will show you the path*



。In me, Wuju lives on*

25、集中起来的意志,可以击穿顽石。The focused mind can pierce through stone*

26、绝对不要坐等胜利的到来。Never await victory

27、你们想学的辛苦一些,我懂的。ou wish to learn the hard way, I see*

28、电光火石!Speed of thought!

29、如果你们够厉害的话,我还是会正眼相待的。I will take an eye*** as if I don't have enough already*

30、嘘,我在冥想呢!Ummmmm/Shh,I'm meditating!

31、你错过了吗?Did you miss it?

32、怀疑是最强大的敌人。Doubt,is the greatest enemy*


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