

明日边缘的台词 谢谢你为我坚持那么久的英文是什么?

Thank you、For getting me this far、来源:影片原文字幕


Review of ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ Helmed by Doug Liman, American sci-fi film “Edge of Tomorrow” stars Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt、 The former part of the about two-hour long film features a coward Major called William Cage (Tom Cruise) who’s forced to the front and dies hundreds of times、 But he keeps getting back to consciousness at the same base that he is sent to、 It’s interesting that each time he wakes up, he sees the image of Special Forces soldier Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt)、 Honestly speaking, this part reminds of American comedy film “Groundhog Day、” However, if the film keeps repeating the seemingly pace, it would not be a blockbuster、 More exciting stories happen after Cage realizes his responsibility of saving his fellow soldiers from doomed mission of being beaten by the Mimics、 He, together with Vrataski, finally finds the location of Omega, brain of the Mimics and bombs it、 Besides great story and spirit of never saying no to difficulties, it’s very much worthy of pointing out that visual effects of the film are fantastic、 Grand scenes of war like helicopters flying, combating with the Mimics and explosions are very impressive、 Having said this, Blunt and especially Cruise’s acting definitely helps build the comprehension and appreciation of the film、 He is very adept at performing the role Cage, from a coward man scared of looking at blood to hero finally succeeding in bombing brain of the Mimics、 Cruise does such a great job that even eyesight really means something in terms of development of story、 Finally, to me, music is not that an obvious effect to enhance development of the story、 Take the scene of two main characters surviving from explosions for example, they are close to each other and things seem to be different under that circumstance, but there is still only silence、 I wished there was music, no matter soft or what, to push forward the story、 All in all, on a scale of 0-10, I would give “Edge of Tomorrow” 8、《明日边缘》简评 由道格•里曼导演,好莱坞影星汤姆•克鲁斯和艾米莉•布朗特主演的科幻动作大片《明日边缘》在视觉冲击力和故事构建方面都给观众留下了很深的印象。
















明日边缘是改变小说的 小说原著叫《杀戮轮回》 结局不算完美 美国人把电影给改编了 结局算是开放式完美结局小说结局最后是男女主角单挑····大概是这样的两人在战场上配合杀敌 突然女主砍了男主一斧(男主躲开了)男主问女问“为什么要杀我”女主不回答拿着斧子就上去砍男主(原著男女主角都用大斧子)男主一直躲 后来男主急了 就和女主单挑大战 打得不亦乐乎最后是男主把女主砍死了 然后男主抱着女主 问:“为什么


”女主笑着用手摸着男主的脸 回答道:“只有这样···你才能活下去·······”然后女主死了··在原著里男女主角必须死一个人才能摆脱轮回 而不是像电影说的杀掉欧米伽才算摆脱轮回 原著里男主不知道必须杀死女主 但是女主知道必须死一个 她不忍心杀男主 因为她爱他所以就故意砍男主 让男主杀死自己····男主最后成了英雄 他把战甲涂成了蓝色(女主的是红色)后来男主的地位就是女主之前的地位 很牛逼 但是结局比较悲可是看过原著的都觉得这个结局比电影的改编结局要好 但是美国人就喜欢圆满结局 没办法~

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