

1、灿烂之日,人众如云。Sunny day, people all like a cloud*

繁华过后,陌不相识。After the busy, devoted to strangers*

2、有一种微笑,叫掩人耳目。There is a smile, called stealth*

有一种坚持,叫装模作样。There is a insist, called affectation*

3、我多希望有一个疯子,疯了的爱着我。How I hope to have a crazy, crazy in love with me*

我多希望有一个傻子,傻傻的爱着我。How I wish there is a fool, silly in love with me*

4、女人哭了是因为他真的放弃了。The woman cried because he really gave up*

男人哭了是因为他真的爱过了。The man cried because he really loved*

5、少年你的笑容太绚烂,比天边的太阳更惹人眼球。Young too gorgeous smile, the sun is more conspicuous than the sky*

少女你的眼睛太深邃,比天幕的繁星更闪烁耀眼。Girl in your eyes is too deep, more than the awning stars flashing dazzling*

6、我不喜欢主动找你,因为我怕那是我自作多情。I don't like to take the initiative to find you, because I'm afraid that's my trip*

我喜欢你主动找我,这样我才知道你不厌烦我。I like you take the initiative to find me, so I didn't know you are not boring me*

7、我和别的男生约着会然后对你说我爱你。I have an appointment with the other boys would then say to you I love you*

你抱着别的女生恩爱然后对我说你爱我。Are you holding the other girls love then said to me that you love me*

8、我想的不是你,是曾经掏心掏肺的自己。I want not you, is once rink hijinks tao lung themselves*

我恨的不是你,是曾经痛伤过你的自己。I hate not you, it is used to ache you own*

9、他是我心脏深处的恋人。He is my heart in the depth of the lovers*

她是我灵魂深处的爱人。She is my soul lover*

10、__我有一个视我如命的少年。__ I have a treat me like life of adolescents*

__我有一个爱我似命的姑娘。__ I have a girl love me like life*

11、就算我男朋友,不高不帅不优秀,怎么了。我喜欢就好。Even if my boyfriend, not tall not handsome not good, what's wrong* I like it*

就算我女朋友,不美不萌不温柔,怎么了。我爱她就好。Even if my girlfriend, not beauty of tenderness, what's wrong* I love her*

12、相公,可否把我纳入你的小世界。Xianggong, will you please put me into your little world*

娘子,其实我的小世界里全是你。Lady, in fact, my little world is full of you*

13、情深似海诋毁不过时光蹉跎。Oceans vilified but waste time*

百里情深不及他人笑言诋毁。Thyme deep than others jokes*

14、天长地久,根本没有。Everlasting, not at all*

海枯石烂,纯属扯蛋。The seas run dry and the rocks crumble, is pulled eggs*

15、何时江南在凝愁、徘徊在宁夏。When jiangnan in condensate sorrow, wandering in ningxia*

待到樱花烂漫时、染指沾红颜。Until, when cherry blossom brilliant touch with beauty*

16、念念念你情不忘。Read read your mood does not forget*

想想想你情不亡。Think you love die*

17、不会让你抚摸姐那独特的骚美。Won't let you touch elder sister that unique SAO beauty*

不会让你触碰哥那健壮的身段。Brother will not let you touch the robust figure*

18、我的心不大不小,但它单单只能容下你。My heart is not small, but it can only let you alone*

我的手不大不小,但它单单只能牵住你。My hand is modest, but it just can only hold you*

19、男朋友就要结婚了,他说让我去给他当新娘。Boyfriend are going to get married, he said let me to give him the bride*

女朋友就要嫁人了,她说让我去给她当新郎。Girlfriend is about to get married, she said let me go to her when the bridegroom*

20、你是我永远的王子。You are my prince forever*

你是我永远的公主。You are my princess forever*

21、我爱的那个少女笑靥如花却不是为我。I love the girl smile is not for me*

我惜的那个少年灿若繁星却无法为我。I pity the young CanReFanXing but not for me*

22、刺你之名,刻我之骨,你是我的刺青爱人。Stab you in the name of that moment my bone, you are my tattoo lover*

忘你之情,噬我之心,你是我的噬心爱人。Forget you, bite my heart, you are my beloved autophagy*

23、我剩下的只有你那三分姿态。The rest of my only you the three points*

我剩下的只有你那七分姿色。The rest of my only you the seven beauties*

24、鱼说:你看不见我眼中的泪,因为我在水中。Fish said: you can't see the tears in my eyes, because I am in the water*

水说:我能感觉得到你的泪,因为你在我心中。The water said that, I can feel your tear, because you are in my heart*

25、一见钟情的永远是男人。It was love at first sight is a man forever*

一往深情的永远是女人。YiWangShenQing forever is a woman*

26、那种所谓的一见钟情、钟的只是貌,而不是情。The so-called love at first sight, the clock is just appearance, rather than feeling*

那种真正的日久生情、生的才是情、而不是爱。The true love will come in time, is love, not love*

27、什么长发及腰不如短发凉快。What long hair and waist than short hair cool*

什么海誓山盟不如结婚爽快。Frank what vows of eternal love than marriage*

28、给个香吻好不好。Give a kiss, ok*

给个深拥好不好。Give a deep well*

29、一起发光因为你是中国的太阳。The sun shine because you are Chinese*

一起发光因为你是美国的月亮。The moon shine because of who you are, but because the United States*

30、想幸福就不要怕受伤。Think happiness is don't be afraid to hurt*

想安宁就不要碰爱情。Want to rest, don't touch the love*

31、天使不是不痛、只是因为她在天堂。Angel is no pain, only because she is in heaven*

海豚不是不哭、只是因为他在海底。Dolphins are not don't cry, just because he is at the bottom of the sea*

32、别问我怎么了,我只和你说一句,我心痛。Don't ask me how, I only say 1 with you, my heart ache*

别问我怎么了,我只和你说一句,我心疼。Don't ask me how, I only say 1 with you, I love dearly*

33、有些事知道就好了,不必多说。Would be better to know some things, need not say more*

有些人认识就好了,不必深交。Some people know good, don't have to fraternize*

34、当你能看穿一件事情的时候,说明你到头了。When you can see through a thing, is a sign that you are an end*

当你能看淡一件事情的时候,说明你放下了。When you can see light one thing, that you put down*

35、牵着你的手,一直到天荒地老。Holding your hand, until the glebe's old*

拉着你的手,和你去天涯海角。Pull your hand, and you go to the ends of the earth*

36、当秋天渐凉,落叶不再那么多情。When cool, autumn leaves are no longer so affectionate*

当冬天渐冷,白雪不再那么冰冷。When the winter cold, white snow no longer cold*

37、你跟我分手后,我就要你管我叫妈。After you break up with me, I will you call me mom*

你跟我分手后,我就要你管我叫爸。After you break up with me, I will you call me dad*

38、站在奈何桥,看迩生生世世轮回。Standing on the helpless bridge, see you shengshengshishi samsara*

独步忘川河,乱迩一世情愁何堪。A one-step forget the sichuan river, disorderly family strong sorrow galling*

39、潇洒乃我本性,帅是命中注定。Handsome is my nature, handsome is doomed*

温柔乃我本性,美是命中注定。Gentleness is my nature, beauty is doomed*

40、当我唱起这首歌,我有想起你了。When I sang this song, I think of you*

当我唱起着首歌,眼泪不听话了。When I sang the song, tears are not obedient*

41、也许,爱情的本身就代表分离。Perhaps, love itself is representative of the separation*

也许,爱情的本质就代表离别。Perhaps, love is the essence of parting*

42、想要拥有的时候,得到的是舍弃。Want to have, is to leave*

想要逃离的时候,却牢牢的抓住。Want to escape, but firmly grasp*

43、这颗心给了沵,再不会去爱别人。This heart to you, then don't go to love others*

这份爱给了沵,再也不会给别人。This love for you, never to others*

44、本少爷在迩的世界丢掉我的霸气,宠着你的脾气。This master in the world of you lose my swagger, familiar with your temper*

本小姐在迩的世界丢掉我的脾气,惯着你的霸气。This young lady in the world of you lose my temper, spoil your ambition*

45、开始我们是一对不被看好的恋人。We are a pair of underdog lovers began*

现在我们是一对被人羡慕的恋人。Now that we are a pair of envy lovers*

46、我预见了,却永远不能遇见。I see, but I can never meet*



。I want to love, but never love*

47、十指紧扣,我们之间相濡以沫的甜蜜!Clasped hands, caring and sweet between us!

四目相对,我们之间心照不宣的默契!Four eyes relative, tacit understanding between us!

48、你不必撕心裂肺,有我代替你。You don't have to tore heart crack lung, I instead of you*

我不必撕心裂肺,有你代替我。I don't have to tore heart crack lung, you are in my place*

49、他说,她若不离,他定不弃。He said, if she, he don't abandon*

她说,他若安在,她定会爱。If he be in, she says, she will love*

50、繁华落寂的沧桑。The vicissitudes of the prosperities silence*

岁月腐蚀的地方。Years of corrosion*

51、我的眼泪,不昂贵也不廉价。My tears, not expensive also not cheap*

你的眼泪,只有我才能买来。Your tears, only I can buy*

52、先生,你可真不是个君子。Sir, you're no gentleman*

小姐,你也不是什么淑女。And you miss are no lady*

53、不管是海枯石烂,我都不会放手。Whether the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, I will not let go*

不管是天崩地裂,我都会抓住你。Whether the sky were to fall, I will catch you*

54、所有的纠缠和羁绊、是毁灭还是救赎。All the entanglement and the fetter, is destroyed or redemption*

所有的背叛和欺骗、是疼痛还是离别。Are all the betrayal and deception, pain or leave*

55、想说但说不出口,关于爱你的事。Want to say but couldn't say it, about the love you*

想躲但躲不过去,还是写你名字。Want to hide but hide not the past, or write your name*

56、你的气息渗入我的呼吸。You breath into my breath*

你的一切融入我的生命。You are everything in my life*

57、时间只为我们停留。Time for us to stay*

幸福只为我们定格。Happiness for our frames*

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