






-Listen, I've gotta prepare you for this world、 The world can be a cold, hard humorless place、 That's why you must always let your fancy roam、 Yeah, I want you to learn to take a deep breath、 And if life kicks you、 You just kick higher, kick higher, kick higher、

All those guys who beat you up they got expelled、 The school now has a zero-tolerance policy、 And this is because of you, really it is、

Man is many things but he is not rational、

I didn't choose to be fabulous、 Fabulous chose me、

You want me to change who I am for them? Stick to chicks, cars, and zombies flicks from 8:30-3:00、 【their school time、 I felt, like amazed、 Is the world lost so many people, or just the world just them and me、 Otherwise, why I have to pretend I am the one of them、 Inteasted to find my own alliance、 It's ridiculous、 Taking a mask is wasting your own time、 You would spend more time to find who is your real self because of you chose to pretend、 The only thing you need to accept is yourself、】

The truth is rarely pure and never simple、 Sometimes I dream I can fly、 But I'm so exhausted from flapping my wings and the higher I soar、 It reminds me how little I fit in with them on the ground、 So I rise and I rise and I realize that I don't wanna fly anymore、 They never know what they were looking up at anyway、 I've never been more determined to live in my life、 I'm not gonna let some Bible-humping debutante make a mockery of everything in my life、 Glamour, pageantry, and good hair、 I was gonna reclaim it as my own anyway、

I'm so sorry I stopped being your friend、 You were just being you、 Muv was just being muv、 How about I do me and you do you? The other way round, nice try、


最近老师播放一部感人的影片让我们欣赏,影片描述一个单亲妈妈暑假时带小男孩回乡下外婆家的故事,刚开始小男孩很讨厌外婆,常常对外婆大吼大叫,但在外婆 细心照顾下,小男孩感受到外婆对他的爱,他学会如何体贴外婆、关心外婆,最后,他们离别时依依不捨的画面,让我觉得非常温馨。

我的外婆也是独自一个人住在乡下, 我们怕她孤单,只要一有时间就会回去探望她。寒暑假时总会回去跟她作伴,我最喜欢跟她一起买菜,因为无论什么菜,她都能煮一桌丰盛的佳肴;我生病的时候, 她总是无微不至的照顾我;她陪我聊天、做功课,陪我度过漫长的假期,所以我每次都是非常依依不捨,回到家后我总会马上打电话跟她报平安,期待下一次的相 聚。


Billy 就像一颗火种,在人心快速蔓延,凡是被波及者,皆踏上了寻找内心自己的旅程。看过很多带有类似火种力量的电影,Billy却是最有底气的。即便被生活伤的内心支离破碎,残缺不堪,也要kick back, kick harder、 后半段的演讲也是教科书级别的,值得有相似经历的同学朗诵全文并背诵。可惜现实却更加残酷,即便有着Billy的梦想,却没有Billy的天赋,Billy的爹,也没有一个愿意为了你与全世界为敌的朋友。

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